Your body is more important than people give it credit for, and taking care of it has a far higher purpose than being aesthetically pleasing or fitting into a smaller size clothing.

Explore our Eating PLans

Want to ditch the "diet" mindset?

2B Mindset can help you achieve a healthy relationship with food and make reaching your goals a positive experience.

  • Provides you with proven guidelines to follow

  • Designed for those who like to eat a lot of food

  • Fully savor treats and wine with a positive mindset

Looking to get your portions under control?

Portion Fix gives you control of your food without counting calories, without deprivation, and you get to eat the foods you love.

  • Completely customizable for the way you like to eat

  • Provides a specific game plan so you can get the results you want

  • Enjoy alcohol and desserts

Go with your gut

Thousands of people went a step further—and saw incredible changes. The 4 Week Gut Protocol is a comprehensive nutrition program that shows you how the food you eat impacts your gut and overall health.

  • Helps reduce gas, bloating, constipation, indigestions, and other gut issues

  • Includes a no-impact workout program

Eat More Dessert

Delicious superfood swaps you can enjoy every day. You’ll find hundreds of ways to turn this superfood shake into gourmet desserts that taste just like your favorite treats. Shakeology has:*

  • 5 powerful superfood blends to help support lean muscle and fill nutrient gaps

  • Probiotics, prebiotics, and digestive enzymes for gut health support